FaithQuest On A Mission

FaithQuest began back in 2002 when businessman John Gash went on a spur of the moment serendipitous Africa mission trip. This was a transformational experience for him and the beginning of the journey of FaithQuest. Since then, others have joined the effort vocationally and many others have come alongside FaithQuest as passionate volunteers and champions. Together we have enjoyed relationships with churches and organizations across in the USA from a wide-variety of denominational groups. It has been a privilege to help arrange for more than 2,000 people to go on short-term vision or mission trips all over the world. Many become passionate about missions and many have become full-time vocational workers in the field, many others are servant leaders in their churches, helping to spark faith in action and outwardly focused movements in their churches. Additionally, we have helped to play a part in the birth of a number of new mission organizations and movements that have grown out of these same trips. We have been a catalyst for the lost and least by helping thousands of children get sponsored, large-scale food projects developed, hundreds of water wells drilled, disease prevention campaigns implemented, servant leaders trained, and people in need coming to saving faith in Jesus Christ. We are very thankful to our great and awesome God!

Our Purpose

Our Purpose is to be a Catalyst that Inspires, Encourages, and Mobilizes people, churches and organizations to put their Faith into Action.

Our Mission

Our Mission is to be a Conduit that Connects and unifies people, churches and organizations with ministries and Opportunities that bring Hope and Transformation to the lost, last, and least.

Our Strategy

We accomplish our purpose and mission by focusing our efforts into and through our identified FaithQuest Ministries. Each FaithQuest Ministry is designed and developed with Ministry Plans that reflect and implement our stated Purpose, Mission, Values and Objectives.

Our Key Values

  1. We value being led by the Spirit of God, firmly believing His vision and path is infinitely bigger and more exciting than anything we could ever dream or imagine!
  2. We value faith, prayer, and believe in and expect miracles!
  3. We value being a Kingdom-minded connecting organization that works neutrally with people, churches, and organizations without competition or conflict of interest!
  4. We value joy while serving together as a vital part of our ministry identity!
  5. We value building and uniting coalitions of people, churches, and organizations to maximize our collective efforts for the Kingdom of God!
  6. We value people as a priority over strategy, structures, and finances.


Our Network of Ministry Partners

We value of our great network of ministry partnerships and relationships. Together we team up and join forces as we unite people, churches and ministries in our effort to crush extreme poverty throughout the world.